Math 241 Section H: Midterm the third
- Friday, November 15 from 1:00–1:50pm.
Just like the first exam, the location
depends on your discussion section and last name.
- MSEB 119 (our regular classroom)
- HD1, the section that meets Thursdays at 11.
- HD2, the section that meets Thursdays at 1, and last
(family) name starts with A-Q.
- Altgeld 245 (one floor up from your discussion room)
- HD2, the section that meets Thursdays at 1, and last
(family) name starts with R, S, V, W, X, Y, or Z.
- HD3, the section that meets Thursdays at 2.
- The test is closed book and closed notes.
- No calculators, phones, or other electronic
devices. The time will be posted.
Special tutoring, office hours, and class schedule Nov 11–15:
- Nathan's office hours: Tuesday 1:30–2:30pm, Wednesday
2:30–3:30pm, Thursday 2:30–3:30pm in 378 Altgeld Hall.
- Wyatt's office hours: Tuesday 7–8pm and Thurday 3–4pm in 147
Altgeld Hall.
- Tutoring room: Monday–Thursday 4–8pm, in 147 Altgeld Hall.
- Covers Chapter 15 (Section 15.5 was not covered
explicitly but is a subset of Section 16.6) and Sections
16.4, 16.6, and 16.7 through Example 3.
Problems will be similar to those on the HW and discussion
worksheets. Some will be straight computations, others will
be conceptual short answer questions, and others multiple
choice or true/false questions. Taken collectively, the HW
should be viewed as constituting a study guide for this exam.
Practice Exams:
Here are some old exams, with solutions.
Here are answers to some questions people frequently ask
about the covered material:
Midterm 3 FAQ.