Math 241 Section H: Midterm the first



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Problems will be similar to those on the HW and discussion worksheets. Some will be straight computations, others will be conceptual short answer questions, and others multiple choice or true/false questions. Taken collectively, the HW should be viewed as constituting a study guide for this exam.

Recommended Review Problems:

Working additional problems from the text is the recommended way to prepare for the exam, as is doing the problems from the worksheets that you didn't get to in section. A key resource is the excellent list of review problems at the end of each chapter, including quick concept checks and a true/false quiz. For Chapter 12, all of them relevant. For Chapter 14, what we've covered is reviewed in:

You can also find these in WebAssign as "Chapter 12 review" and similar. After you try the problem once, it will show you the complete solution.

Practice Exams:

Here are some old exams from regular Math 241 that I had a hand in writing, with solutions. Our exam will be similar, but perhaps a touch harder as this is the honors section.


Here are answers to some questions people frequently ask about the covered material: Midterm 1 FAQ.

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